Quick start

From CubicWeb

  • Install everything (here with pip, possibly in a virtualenv):

    pip install pyramid-cubicweb cubicweb-pyramid pyramid_debugtoolbar
  • Make sure CubicWeb is in user mode:

    export CW_MODE=user
  • Create a CubicWeb instance, and install the ‘pyramid’ cube on it (see Set-up of a CubicWeb environment for more details on this step):

    cubicweb-ctl create pyramid myinstance


    You must allow anonymous access.

  • Edit your ~/etc/cubicweb.d/myinstance/all-in-one.conf and set values for pyramid-auth-secret and pyramid-session-secret.

  • Start the instance with the ‘pyramid’ command instead of ‘start’:

    cubicweb-ctl pyramid --debug myinstance

In a pyramid application

Coming soon.