

Activate the CubicWeb session factory.

Usually called via config.include('pyramid_cubicweb.auth').

See also pyramid_cubicweb.defaults

pyramid_cubicweb.session.CWSessionFactory(secret, cookie_name='session', max_age=None, path='/', domain=None, secure=False, httponly=False, set_on_exception=True, timeout=1200, reissue_time=120, hashalg='sha512', salt='pyramid.session.', serializer=None)[source]

A pyramid session factory that store session data in the CubicWeb database.

Storage is done with the ‘CWSession’ entity, which is provided by the ‘pyramid’ cube.


Although it provides a sane default behavior, this session storage has a serious overhead because it uses RQL to access the database.

Using pure SQL would improve a bit (it is roughly twice faster), but it is still pretty slow and thus not an immediate priority.

It is recommended to use faster session factory (pyramid_redis_sessions for example) if you need speed.