Settings ======== .. _cubicweb_settings: Cubicweb Settings ----------------- Pyramid CubicWeb will make use of the following configuration entries if found in the cubicweb configuration (a.k.a. `all-in-one.conf`): .. warning:: These settings requires the `pyramid` cube to be enabled on the instance. .. confval:: pyramid-session-secret Secret phrase to sign the session cookie Used by :func:`pyramid_cubicweb.session.includeme` to configure the default session factory. .. code-block:: ini pyramid-session-secret = .. confval:: pyramid-auth-secret Secret phrase to sign the authentication cookie Used by :func:`pyramid_cubicweb.auth.includeme` to configure the default authentication policy. .. code-block:: ini pyramid-auth-secret = .. _pyramid_settings: Pyramid Settings ---------------- If a ``pyramid.ini`` file is found in the instance home directory (where the ``all-in-one.conf`` file is), its ``[main]`` section will be read and used as the ``settings`` of the pyramid Configurator. This configuration file is almost the same as the one read by ``pserve``, which allow to easily add any pyramid extension and configure it. A typical ``pyramid.ini`` file is: .. code-block:: ini [main] pyramid.includes = pyramid_redis_sessions cubicweb.defaults = no cubicweb.includes = pyramid_cubicweb.auth pyramid_cubicweb.login cubicweb.profile = no redis.sessions.secret = your_cookie_signing_secret redis.sessions.timeout = 1200 = mywheezy The Pyramid CubicWeb specific configuration entries are: .. confval:: cubicweb.includes (list) Same as ``pyramid.includes``, but the includes are done after the cubicweb specific registry entries are initialized. Useful to include extensions that requires these entries. .. confval:: cubicweb.bwcompat (bool) (True) Enable/disable backward compatibility. See :ref:`bwcompat_module`. .. confval:: cubicweb.defaults (bool) (True) Enable/disable defaults. See :ref:`defaults_module`. .. confval:: cubicweb.profile (bool) (False) Enable/disable profiling. See :ref:`profiling`. .. confval:: cubicweb.auth.update_login_time (bool) (True) Add a :class:`pyramid_cubicweb.auth.UpdateLoginTimeAuthenticationPolicy` policy, that update the CWUser.login_time attribute when a user login. .. confval:: cubicweb.auth.authtkt (bool) (True) Enables the 2 cookie-base auth policies, which activate/deactivate depending on the `persistent` argument passed to `remember`. The default login views set persistent to True if a `__setauthcookie` parameters is passed to them, and evals to True in :func:`pyramid.settings.asbool`. The configuration values of the policies are arguments for :class:`pyramid.authentication.AuthTktAuthenticationPolicy`. The first policy handles session authentication. It doesn't get activated if `remember()` is called with `persistent=False`: .. confval:: cubicweb.auth.authtkt.session.cookie_name (str) ('auth_tkt') The cookie name. Must be different from the persistent authentication cookie name. .. confval:: cubicweb.auth.authtkt.session.timeout (int) (1200) Cookie timeout. .. confval:: cubicweb.auth.authtkt.session.reissue_time (int) (120) Reissue time. The second policy handles persistent authentication. It doesn't get activated if `remember()` is called with `persistent=True`: .. confval:: cubicweb.auth.authtkt.persistent.cookie_name (str) ('auth_tkt') The cookie name. Must be different from the session authentication cookie name. .. confval:: cubicweb.auth.authtkt.persistent.max_age (int) (30 days) Max age in seconds. .. confval:: cubicweb.auth.authtkt.persistent.reissue_time (int) (1 day) Reissue time in seconds. .. confval:: cubicweb.auth.groups_principals (bool) (True) Setup a callback on the authentication stack that inject the user groups in the principals.