.. _profiling: Profiling ========= Profiling of requests by the pyramid debug toolbar can be a little restrictive when a specific url needs thin profiling that includes the whole pyramid dispatch. Pyramid CubicWeb provides facilities to profile requests as a :func:`wsgi middleware `, and a few views that facilitate profiling of basic features. The views and the wsgi middleware are activated when the 'profile' option is given. This can be done on the command line (:option:`cubicweb-ctl pyramid --profile`) or in the :ref:`pyramid_settings`. Views ----- The following routes and corresponding views are provided when profiling is on: - ``/_profile/ping``: Reply 'ping' without doing anything else. See also :func:`pyramid_cubicweb.profile.ping`. - ``/_profile/cnx``: Reply 'ping' after getting a cnx. See also :func:`pyramid_cubicweb.profile.cnx`. Typical Usage ------------- Let's say we want to measure the cost of having a ``cnx``. - Start the application with profile enabled: .. code-block:: console $ cubicweb-ctl pyramid --no-daemon --profile --profile-dump-every 100 - Use 'ab' or any other http benchmark tool to throw a lot of requests: .. code-block:: console $ ab -c 1 -n 100 http://localhost:8080/_profile/cnx - Analyse the results. I personnaly fancy SnakeViz_: .. code-block:: console $ snakeviz program.prof .. _SnakeViz: http://jiffyclub.github.io/snakeviz/